A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help people in Burleson County who are seeking help with recovery from hurts, habits, and hang-ups. We also offer assistance with any basic need which prevents them from enjoying the life God intended for them. Our goal is to help anyone who needs a hand up, not a handout. God is our ally and leader in this work.
Our Story
The Impact Burleson County Foundation was formed as a part of Area 3:16, the non-denominational church planted by the Bakers and others. The basis for Impact was formed when Mike Stone began attending Area 3:16. The more we learned about Mike, his background and his heart, we knew God had placed Mike with us for this special calling. Our calling was from God, so we created a Christ based program to help people caught in the throes of drug and alcohol addiction, as well as other problems.
Listen to our story here on a SoundCloud audio track for Brazos Valley Gives.
What We Do
Impact offers a variety of Christ-centered support groups including a 12 Step Recovery Program, a Life Recovery Program, and a Jail Ministry Program.
Hands Up
Impact offers free services to those in need, funded by private donations and operated by volunteers. Our services include a Food Pantry, Clothing Rack, and Thursday meals.
The Table
Impact invites you to come have a seat at our Table. The Table meets Sundays at 10am for worship, study, prayer, mutual support and encouragement for our life journey with Christ.

"Jesus didn't say get your life together and come see Me, He said come to Me and I will help you get your life together."
- Matt Kelly
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(979) 575-7704